#211 - Healthcare Before Medicare: My Wife Quit Her Job!
This is it, the long-awaited beginning of the Healthcare Before Medicare series!! I’ve been meaning to cover this topic on the show for awhile and the timing couldn’t be better because I’m now deep in the search for my own insurance. So as I dive in to research this topic for all of you I will be looking to cover my wife and I as well. I think together we can get this insurance quandary all figured out. I am no insurance expert so you’ll have to take everything I tell you with a grain of salt. If you are one of the 67% of Americans that retire before the age of 66, or even if you are part of the 100% of Americans that are confused about the insurance system then you will want to listen to this episode and the whole series to come about insurance before Medicare.
“My wife quit her job! I guess that means it’s really time to tackle the #healthcare before Medicare question. Listen to episode 211 of #RetirementAnswerMan as we dive into this confusing topic. ”
What are all the health insurance options?
Searching for insurance can be so confusing! So, what are the options that are out there for those of us looking for medical insurance before we reach Medicare age? Basically, there are 4 options for people that haven’t reached Medicare age and need to find insurance solutions. We will be delving into some of these options in greater detail over the next few weeks. The ACA or ‘Obamacare’ is the first option. There are also alternative Medishare programs out there as well. Another option is to work part-time for a large company primarily for the health insurance. The fourth option isn’t much of one, but some people choose it, and it’s simply being uninsured. Listen to this episode and the rest of the episodes in this series to hear greater details about all of the healthcare options that you have available to you before you reach retirement age.
Are you one of the 67% of Americans that will need alternative insurance solutions?
Health insurance is a big issue for so many people. 67% of the American population retires before the Medicare retirement age of 66, so that means that 67% of Americans will need alternative insurance solutions at one time or another. The ACA can be a quagmire for just about anyone, but thankfully the website is much improved from the early days. There is actually some great information on there that can be very helpful. When choosing to go the ACA route there are many considerations. Listen to this episode to hear about what you need to think about when considering the ACA.
“Are you one of the 67% of Americans that will need alternative #insurance solutions? Listen to this episode of #RetirementAnswerMan as we explore this topic that affects so many. ”
What are some of the challenges facing the ACA?
The ACA is a challenge to plan for since no one knows what the future of the health exchanges will look like. This brings up so many questions when one tries to plan for the future. There are plenty of ways to improve the program, but unfortunately, no one knows what the politicians and insurance companies will choose to do with the program.The different health insurance companies involved in ACA either drop off or raise their rates sky high each year. There is no clarity as to the future of the program, and no one is quite sure as to what will happen in the next year or two. The average cost of an ACA premium is a staggering $1000 or more a month. Listen to this episode as we discuss the ups and downs of the health insurance beast.
What types of insurance are there for nomads?
Our listener questions are all about health insurance. The first one is about what type of health insurance is available to retirees without a permanent address. More and more retirees are hitting the road and choosing to enjoy the nomadic life for a while after retiring. Is there any sort of insurance available to those who wander? Another listener wonders if there will be a multi-state health exchange in the future. If you have any questions of your own or perhaps some helpful experience to share make sure to leave a comment on our website so that we can address it during this month as we explore healthcare before Medicare.
“What types of insurance are there for the nomads? If you are considering hitting the road after retirement you’ll want to listen to the Practical Planning segment of this episode of #RetirementAnswerMan”
[1:22] Time stamped outline according to the “segments” of Roger’s show
[3:36] My own search begins for health care before Medicare
[5:02] What are all the options that we have before Medicare?
[11:12] What sources or funds are not included in the calculation for ACA
[12:52] What health insurance is available to retirees without a permanent address
[17:45] Will there be a multistate exchange in the future?
[19:27] Try and figure out whether you should fix it or feel it
[21:04] Send us an email with your comments and questions about health care before Medicare
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
Roger’s YouTube Channel - Roger That
BOOK - Rock Retirement by Roger Whitney
3-video Series: 5 Minute Retirement Makeover
Roger’s Retirement Learning Center
The Retirement Answer Man Facebook Page
Intro music by bensound.com
“What are all the #HealthInsurance options? Listen to this episode of #RetirementAnswerMan as we explore this topic that affects so many.”
“What are some of the challenges facing the #ACA? Listen to this episode of #RetirementAnswerMan as we explore the ups and downs of #Obamacare”