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What You’ll Learn

Rock Retirement offers inspirational advice on how to enjoy the journey to retirement—and beyond.

Traditional retirement advice usually boils down to saving more, sacrificing more, and settling for less. This approach makes people dependent on systems outside their control, such as the market, the economy, and investment returns.

Which is unfortunate.

Rock Retirement uses a holistic approach (plus humor and real-life situations) to empower people to act intentionally towards the life they want. It addresses the fears, hopes, and dreams people have about retirement, goes way beyond the numbers, and shows them how to live well today without sacrificing tomorrow.

Read more about the author here.


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Praise for Rock Retirement


Andrew Scott

Professor of Economics at London Business School
and Coauthor of The 100-Year Life

“Too many books think retirement is just about finances. Instead, retirement is about looking at life in full and working out what it is you want to do and then turning to finances to make it happen. That’s exactly the focus of this practical and helpful guide by Roger Whitney that will help you Rock Retirement.”

Jevonnah “Lady J” Ellison

Author of Love Letters for Leading Ladies

“If you’re dreaming of retirement free of worry, chaos and confusion, Rock Retirement will give you the clarity, a solid plan and fresh inspiration to help you get where you want to go.”

Michael Kitces

Financial Planner, Author of Nerd's Eye View Blog

“The mathematics of retirement is relatively simple. But figuring out how to actually enjoy your retirement is anything but. Roger Whitney does an excellent job helping prospective retirees to go beyond the ‘simple math’ and figure out what a meaningful retirement really means!”

Dan Miller

Author of 48 Days to the Work & Life You Love

“We live in a culture obsessed with ‘retirement,’ that magical time when we can leave work behind and do what we really want to do.” And yet I observe time and time again that people focus only on what they’re moving from-with little thought for what they’re moving to. Rock Retirement is a guide for planning that rich season of life, based not just on money, but also on how to create meaningful relationships, memories, and legacy.”


What Readers Say



360 degree view of retirement planning

An avid fan of The Retirement Answer Man podcast, I really appreciated Roger Whitney's financial and non-financial perspective to retirement planning and how to rock retirement.





Such a fun read about retirement. This book really helped my husband and myself to think about what we wanted our life to look like when are no longer working full time.

Ellen M.



Great way to think about retirement

This is such a positive way to think about retirement. Being more intentional about life goals first and then building a retirement plan around those goals is a great way to rock retirement. Like most people initially I just wanted to know how much money I would need to retire. This book took me in a completely different direction and it is helping me think about and prepare for retirement. I enjoyed reading the book and I came away with a lot of great information.

Diane S.



An Encouraging And Eye-Opening Look At Retirement

I found this book from an interview the author did with Dan Miller and Brian Dixon on their 48 Days Eagles membership site. It gripped me in a way that I haven't experienced in a book for quite some time. I felt like the author was writing just for me. The subject of retirement has been pressing on me for nearly a year now and I believe that is why the book resonated with me.

I've worked as a letter carrier for the U.S.P.S for nearly 35 years and I'm eligible to retire. Right now I'm recuperating from surgery that was job-related and my family is encouraging me not to go back to a position that has put me where I am now. I believe Mr. Whitney's book came into my life at just the right moment in time. It has given me "permission" to dream and consider what I could do once I have the freedom of time on my side and not someone else dictating my schedule. I learned that there's value in the journey toward retirement, a joy.

In my work life, I've always been a "number" or a "body" on a route. This book takes an interesting position in that retirement is more than numbers on a spreadsheet. The author emphasizes the humanity and dreams that go into planning one's retirement and how important that is.

I purchased this book in the Kindle edition but plan on buying the physical copy as I want to go over the material again, underline and highlight specific parts and simply enjoy a well-written and encouraging book. It also includes bonuses where one can download material to help in clarifying different areas of our lives while going through the retirement planning process. I most certainly recommend this book to anyone who may be thinking of retiring in the near future.

Dan C.



Rethink Your Retirement Planning Process!

Roger Whitney shares a thoughtful and systematic, yet not formulaic way to approach your retirement planning. In this era where our retirement may last longer than our working career did, he points out how we can no longer think about and plan for retirement in the same way our parents and grandparents did. He leads us through developing a goal-oriented retirement first, and then planning how to finance those goals. Throughout this wonderful tome he encourages us to think outside the proverbial box for setting those goals, reframing them frequently, and how to think about our financial needs. In this way we "paint" a masterpiece of a retirement and avoid the cookie-cutter version of retirement seen in prior generations. He liberally peppers anecdotal examples from his twenty-five years of working with clients as well as points out the pitfalls we're likely to run into along the way such as financial advisers who are barely more than glorified sales folks.

This book is easy to read, yet not simple. Roger emphasizes that the days for formulaic investment approaches and allocations for retirement are a thing of the past. The true benefit will come from taking the time to follow his recommendations and rethink your retirement as a relationship with the time you have left rather than a date when a switch is thrown. Follow his advice and achieve the freedom to have masterpiece of a retirement you've customized for yourself!




An Inspiring Guide to Living Your Best Life Now and in Retirement

Roger is clearly an expert in financial planning but he’s also clever and has created an approach to retirement planning that makes so much sense. By incorporating the simple idea that we might want to enjoy life now and after retirement is a concept that I can completely connect with. Roger shows you exactly how to think outside the box to not only have a great retirement but to create your best life now in the process.

An incredibly easy read that incorporates real-life stories and inspiration as well as cold hard financial facts that are easy to process. I found this book engaging and I was inspired to take a totally different approach to my own retirement planning. This is definitely not your mother’s retirement planning book which is a great thing for me. I’m absolutely a think outside the lines kind of person and in this book, Roger not only gives you permission to do just that but shows you how.

I've always thought about retirement planning as a necessary evil, but Roger’s approach absolutely puts the life and creativity back into the mix. A wonderful guide for anyone who values the enjoyment of life and wellbeing just as much as the strategy of creating a retirement plan.




Read this NOW, before you end up with a retirement that doesn't fit!

It is very true that common sense is not very common. But to find large doses of common sense within a practical, thoughtful, and enjoyable read on the subject of what your retirement days will look like was a gem of a find. Roger Whitney takes his 25+ years as a Certified Financial Planner and turns it inside out and delivers a critical eye toward an industry (financial advising services) whose products are designed for a generation that has very little in common with today's and tomorrow's retirees. Follow their "cookie-cutter" approach and odds are you are going to be shorting yourself on one end of your life, or the other.

I found the book to be a great "course correction" guide for mid stream to late stream planning efforts for retirement. It took me 2-3 times longer to read the book than necessary because I kept stopping to consider the thoughts and ideas Roger shares. I consistently had to agree with the reasoning and evidence he presents.

My major paradigm shift was the way I looked at ending the traditional working period of life and moving into a non-traditional, non-working period of life. This is a whole lot more than just hitting a "number" or date. Roger ask you to consider planing and preparing a life after traditional work which gives you the freedom to go, to be, to do, to grow, to share, to give, to love. Yes, it takes some money to have the freedom to do these things, but it takes a lot more as well. When you have the ability to do the meaningful things in both your traditional working years and the latter years of life, you will definitely Rock Retirement!

Mitchell W.



Really straightforward and excellent book!

This book was very refreshing to me. This is the only financial book I've ever read that was honest enough to tell people to live for today as well as plan for tomorrow. It uses real life examples to get you to think of whats really important in life, even with all the uncertainties that come upon us. Roger does a great job being honest with the traditional investment industry and how it encourages (or really guilts) people to only plan financially for tomorrow. Roger, on the other hand, encourages people to plan and dream for tomorrow -while not missing out on having a great life today!

The book is not just about crunching the numbers, but the social and psychological impact of transitioning into retirement. Its about transitioning into a life of more freedom and control. The goal is not just having the cash to live on but the planning to have the life that we all dream about and imagine! The book is filled with wisdom on making the choices that are best to optimize your life, not a cookie cutter approach to investing. Roger's advice looks at the big picture and offers a very balanced, simplistic no-frills investment approach. I love how Roger illustrated the different ways to invest in a simple easy to understand way. Thanks Roger!

Jay from PA



A different approach to retirement planning.

Most retirement planning books have the same theme. Regardless of your station in life, you are not saving enough, so you must sacrifice more today to be able to retire later. But, these do not take into account that life is occurring all along the path to retirement, and that, unfortunately, some of us don't make it to retirement. Roger challenges everyone to look at life in a different way, a see-saw between future and current needs, and to balance those 2 sides of the equation. Evaluation along the path to retirement causes one to change course on a regular basis, but one must also take into account current needs and wants, not simply saving every dollar one can for a future that may never materialize. Furthermore, Roger also addresses the fact that many retirement planners overlook, and that is that spending in retirement is not a linear path, but rather higher in the early years (the go-go years, as he refers to them) while health is typically better, then spending behind to slow as the retiree ages. Overall, this book really helps to look at the entire path of life, and causes one to really examine priorities along the way, not just how to have as large a pile of money as possible when you retire. Really struck a chord with me, as my mother had a stroke at 48 and passed at age 59, and my father was never able to enjoy a retirement with her by his side, although all I can remember from those days is how they saved for a retirement that really never materialized.
